Union Rally
For information about the Harvard University Security, Parking, and Museum Guards Union rally, see Laura Krug & Stephen Marks’s excellent news article, Security Guards Worried about Prospect of Outsourcing, Harvard Crimson, June 27, 2003. The picket signs are now back in our Central Square office.
“TESTED” signifies that the Harvard University Security Guards were required to pass two different kinds of tests:
• valid background checking (including Criminal Offender
Records Information checks dating back to age 18)• annual training and recertification
The Allied-Barton® contract security officers currently acting as replacements for the Harvard University Security Guards are not subjected to these traditional screening and training procedures. Consequently they receive none of the benefits.
One benefit of particular interest to Allied’s employees: properly screened, trained, and tested security guards can readily find better-paying jobs with permanent employers.
Poor screening and training has led to legal action being taken against Allied security officers for assault on a Harvard undergraduate and—in Decker v. Mckenzie (Brighton Dist. Ct., Dec. 8, 2004)—on an alumna.
Note. Prior to fiscal year 1996, management had required all Harvard University Security Guards to complete forty hours of on-the-job training annually. They had to maintain certifications in First Aid; CPR; Sensitivity & Communications Skills; Fire Alarm Systems; and Evacuation Procedures.
Guards received training in chemical spill control and emergency decontamination procedures, in report writing, and in legal issues such as liability risks. In addition, they were advised of potential safety hazards at the specific laboratories and buildings for which they had responsibility.
15 Jan. 2005. Student-Alumni Committee on Institutional Security Policy,
Cambridge, MA. http://www.stalcommpol.org/rally.html. Permissions.TESTED
GUARDMariel John, HUSPMGU Rally, Cambridge (photograph) (June 23, 2003).
The union’s web site is at http://www.huspmgu.org.